Shanghai Heshuo Water Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd.

The effluent quality of pure water equipment in the electronic industry

Release time:2022-07-19
Electronic industry pure water equipment is a device that uses the water quality indicators of raw water and desalinates the raw water to achieve the required water quality for users. It adopts a stable, mature, and stable reverse osmosis desalination system. Depending on the water treatment process used by users in different industries, the effluent quality varies. This article will explain the effluent quality of electronic industry pure water equipment.
The ultra pure water produced by electronic industry pure water equipment is also known as high-purity water. This water quality is widely used in the market in fields such as aerospace, power, biology, chemical engineering, metallurgy, etc., among which the electronics industry is widely used.
According to the effluent quality, the water treatment process flow is as follows:
Deionized water treatment process: The traditional water treatment method of preparing ultrapure water using ion exchange resin is as follows: raw water → sand and charcoal filter → precision filter → raw water tank → cation bed → anion bed → mixed bed (double bed) → pure water tank → pure water pump → rear precision filter → water object;
Reverse osmosis water treatment process: using a combination of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment and ion exchange equipment, the basic process flow is: raw water → sand and charcoal filter → precision filter → raw water tank → reverse osmosis equipment → mixed bed (double bed) → pure water tank → pure water pump → rear precision filter → water object;
Reverse osmosis+EDI: This is a relatively new process for producing ultrapure water, as well as an environmentally friendly, economical, and highly promising ultrapure water preparation process. Its basic process flow is: raw water → sand and charcoal filter → precision filter → raw water tank → reverse osmosis equipment → electrodeionization (EDI) → pure water tank → pure water pump → rear precision filter → water user;
The pure water produced by pure water equipment used in the electronics industry can be used in fields such as ultra pure materials and chemical reagents, ultra pure materials and chemical reagents, surface polishing of automobiles and household appliances, laboratories and pilot workshops, and other high-tech precision products.